The former competitor of “Përputhen”, Shqipe Hysenaj could not hold back her tears while talking about her parents in the show “E Diell”. She has shown that she lives with them, as she wants to enjoy every moment near them.
“I live with my parents and I chose Manush to live with my parents, since there comes a moment when you no longer have them… (cries). I mean, I decided not that I was not capable or that I had never been able to leave the house before, but the moment they gave you life, I decided not to leave the house but to enjoy them. There will come a time that I may regret why I did not enjoy them. “We have to protect our parents as long as we have them alive”, Shqipja said through tears.
The former competitor added that there were times when she thought of leaving, but thank God she did not.
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